Obviously I mostly did restoration type work with it.
Using the spectrum view and tweaking the declicking settings, the declicking is great, you can be very precise.
What's good about it? Very good noise-sample denoising, not Samplitude quality but works very well. Hm, I use Samplitude but I've used CoolEdit a number of times. For multitrack take your pick of any, including PT, Nuendo, Sonar. If I want to chop or master 1 file then Wavelab or Soundforge beat the shit out of CEP. Why use a non-standard interface that looks awful? Right click to move stuff? The rest of the known world uses the left button! I'm hoping CEP2 is it, and I'm hoping I can still arm a track, hit record.We are talking about the same program aren't we?
Cool edit pro 2.0 full version upgrade#
I'm going to have to spring $$$$$ for an upgrade here soon, but it's got to be the right one. I'm hoping CEP2 is it, and I'm hoping I can still arm a track, hit record. but I've got the CEP2 demo sitting here I haven't tried yet, and I'm afraid they've changed things to a way I won't like - BECAUSE it's so intuitive. Nuendo looks cool, and I'm waiting to see if Cubase SX is actually going to be as good as it appears it could be - I can't swing Nuendo. Can't scoot tracks around while looking at the waveform like CEP. I've got an old version of Cakewalk Pro Audio, and it's horrible - click here, click there, move to here, select this, click here. I've be using CEP se forever, I can't chunk out money for something that makes me jump through hoops to get going. Uugh!Unintuitive?Ĭlick on a track to arm it, then click "record"? The sound quality isn't too bad but the interface is terrible and totally unintuitive.